
Our contributors and researchers share their experiences and insights on sports, nature, design, plastic, including data and our solutions.
Stop Recycling Plastic
4 min. read
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Synthetic Fleece vs Wool? Forget about it
3 min. read
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Ella Maillart: Memoirs Of A Sparrow
6 min. read
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Swisswool® Light: Down for anything
2 min. read
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Some favoritesView all articles

The (endo) crime of the century

The (endo) crime of the century

Endocrine disruptors are molecules that can hijack our endocrine system by mimicking natural hormones our body produces. Those hormones travel through our organs until they encounter a receptor to which they can bind.

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Weather resistant comfort

Weather resistant comfort

I like to walk in the woods when it’s drizzling. It’s that great atmosphere: patches of low hanging clouds hiding the top of the hills, huge pines whose tops disappear in the sky, water droplets on every needle and every leaf of every tree.

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Any Plastic Kills

Any Plastic Kills

The problems are manifold: from production to distribution, from dyeing to washing, from marketing to end of life, from influence on the metabolism to the release of micro particles. 

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Be a Mover